The world is always changing, how are you keeping up? See the goals of Seco Tools to increase inclusion and diversity.We’ve talked about the importance of showing inclusion for all genders in the past and have celebrated the women that are in the industry as breaking glass ceilings in the manufacturing industry. As it pertains to pride month, Women are more likely than men to identify as LGBT (6.4% vs. 4.9%, respectively).
According to McKinsey and Company, “additional efforts are especially needed in a world—and workplace—with the added health risks and isolation of remote working in the coronavirus era. We recommend specific steps that senior company leaders and human-resource professionals can take to ensure their organizations are safe and welcoming environments for LGBTQ+ employees.”
It’s important to work from the inside out when it comes to improving diversity and inclusion. There’s a known skills gap within our industry we are combatting but can’t stop there. Our future vision is to change the landscape of this industry and meet the future workforce and generations where they are at, on their terms, by adapting our expectations and choosing inclusion.