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Optimizing threading operations in cast iron requires a great deal of trial and error, often with plenty of broken taps and poor cycle times along the way. Control cutting forces, keep chips moving and speed up your threading operations by up to 50% with the new line of threading taps for ISO K materials from Seco. And thanks to a newly redesigned geometry and grade combination, you can take advantage of these taps’ higher performance without sacrificing tool life.
Your challenge: Slow cast iron threading operations are slowing down your shop’s production.
The Seco solution: Achieve the highest level of tapping performance – and the lowest cost per threaded hole – thanks to reoptimized geometries, a greater number of flutes and reduced friction.

Threading can be a delicate operation, one where chips and cutting forces must be handled with extreme care for effective process security. Handle all these challenges with ease thanks to the new ISO K threading taps’ advanced design. Using a specialized process that results in a harder, high-cobalt tool-steel substrate, Seco has also applied a new smoothed TiAlN coating for a smooth, hard surface that’s highly resistant to breakage. Best of all, this improved reliability can be applied in any coolant environment, whether machining dry, wet or through the use of MQL technology.
Your challenge: Poorly controlled, oversized chips cause scratching, tool wear and a lack of process security.
The Seco solution: Newly optimized flute shapes and a back chamfer make it easy to evacuate chips, even in deep holes.

Threading has a reputation for sensitivity, but there’s no need to be gentle with the new cast iron threading taps. A forgiving geometry, including a greater number of flutes and optimized grades, provides great results even with suboptimal cutting parameters. Meanwhile, additional reliefs on the threads and chamfer serve to reduce contact between the taps and workpiece, while the additional back chamfer allows for threading in deep holes with confidence.
Your challenge: Unpredictable tap tool life leads to poor performance and downtime.
The Seco solution: An increased number of flutes, improved hardness and greater chamfer and thread reliefs secure processes and prevent unexpected breakage.
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